Thursday, February 21, 2019

Spreading the Misery Around

Why do so called intactivists who were circumcised at birth (thus have no memories of ever having a foreskin) love to perpetuate the idea that having a foreskin is somehow “awesome”?

They would not know the difference, and brain washing people into hating their own bodies is certainly a type of psychological cruelty.
You have the right to love and enjoy your cut dick the way it is. People who are trying to convince you that you should feel mutilated (and you are somehow in denial if you don’t) are not doing you any favors.
Just for the record: I do know the difference and I certainly would not want my foreskin back.
True, if you were circumcised before you could consent to it yourself your choice has been taken away. But that does not prove that if you knew the difference you would not want to be circumcised.
Just because someone who also does not know first hand how it feels like to have a foreskin says that it is awesome does not make it so.