Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Check this out: What Does Science Say?

A retired doctor reminisces about circumcision.

Circumcision: What Does Science Say?

I really liked the part about ignorance on the topic:
When I was working in an Air Force hospital emergency room one night, a young airman came in requesting a circumcision. I asked him why he wanted one. He said a couple of his friends had had it done, and he’d heard it was a good idea, and he was going to be getting out of the Air Force pretty soon and wanted to have it done while Uncle Sam would still foot the bill. I examined him: he had a neatly circumcised penis without so much as a hint of any foreskin remnant. I’ve always wondered what he thought we were going to cut off.
Perhaps I expect too much from the average person, but I am always surprised just how stupid people can be......