Sunday, October 30, 2016

Check this out: Kiptony’s circumcision

This story describes the experience of an (apparently English) boy who grew up in Kenya and went through a traditional Kipsigis circumcision ceremony with his local friends.

Kiptony’s circumcision.
The link above does not seem to work any more but there is an archived version.

The description also explains the significance of circumcision in Kipsigis society.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Do not try this at home: Self circumcision attempt goes horribly wrong for Zhejiang man

A man in China did not like how his foreskin looked like, so he has decided to cut it off with a pair of blunt scissors. Needless to say it did not go too well. And I am sure it ought to hurt a lot. But when the scissors did not work, he tried a razor blade.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Check this out: Real men get circumcised

The Philippines has a strong tradition regarding circumcision and it is one of the few countries where a male is expected to undergo circumcision before becoming sexually active.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Curiosity: The First Cut

For me it is hard to imagine how can anyone grow up and go to college without realizing that he is circumcised. How can one go through a school system without ever learning anything about basic human biology.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Horror Story:The Boys Who Lost Their Manhood

A horror story related to Xhosa circumcision:
The boys who lost their manhood

It shows that the Xhosa initiation ceremony is indeed not without its dangers.

But the real problem is that people running the initiation schools, who are in a position of trust, don't do their jobs, and maim the initiates in their care.

It is definitely not how normal circumcisions should go.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Male parts vs. Female Parts

I am sick and tired reading claims that because circumcising a woman is already illegal therefore so should be circumcising a man.

By female circumcision they usually mean female genital mutilation (FGM). But FGM is nothing like circumcision.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Check this out: Xhosa Initiation

Xhosa initiation, which includes circumcision, is a particularly difficult ordeal that marks the transition to adulthood for the Xhosa people of South Africa.

Monday, October 17, 2016

The Third World: Nunavut

Just to show that Russia is not the only frozen country where you can't get a circumcision, here is a story from a not quite so developed region of Canada:

Opting for circumcision an expensive choice for parents in Nunavut

You know that medical care is pretty bad if you can't even get a circumcision.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Erogenous Parts

One of the weirdest things that keeps popping up all over the Internet is the claim that the glans penis is not erogenous, and only the foreskin provides erogenous sensation. I am sure it is meant to be a figure of speech to emphasize a point, but someone might actually take it literally.