Saturday, October 22, 2016

Male parts vs. Female Parts

I am sick and tired reading claims that because circumcising a woman is already illegal therefore so should be circumcising a man.

By female circumcision they usually mean female genital mutilation (FGM). But FGM is nothing like circumcision.

The procedure known as FGM often removes the clitoris, or even all external parts of a woman's genitals, and cripples her for life.

It is like cutting off a man's penis, skinning his balls and covering them in scar tissue.

It is completely insane to equate FGM to the removal of a man's foreskin since we are not talking about removing the equivalent tissue.

Male circumcision removes part of the penis's skin, usually only the foreskin, although there are techniques that either remove the skin at the base of the penis or, in the case of some African tribal traditions, remove most of  the skin from the penis and let the open would heal over.

The equivalent tissue to a man's foreskin/penis skin is a woman's clitoral hood and her labia minora. So an operation performed on a woman that is the equivalent of circumcising a man would be trimming her clitoral hood and inner labia.

It might be surprising to some, but trimming the clitoral hood and the inner labia is perfectly legal in most western countries. A grown woman can walk into a plastic surgeon's office and ask to have the prepuce of her clitoris shortened or removed and her inner labia trimmed. It is called clitoral unhooding and labiaplasty which can be performed together or individually.

Just google those terms and you will probably find plenty of plastic surgeons that offer the procedure in your area.

Women usually do it for similar reasons why men get circumcised: To feel cleaner and more comfortable, to improve their sex life, to look more attractive, etc.

The Largest Labiaplasty Patient Satisfaction Clinical Study To Date

I can accept if someone has issues with not being asked if he wanted to be circumcised or not. It is certainly true that in western countries the equivalent procedure for a female is not done to little girls only to grown women who have given consent.

But the argument that the procedure is already banned for females does not reflect actual reality.