Saturday, April 22, 2017

Circumcision as a Sign of Adulthood

Probably half of the circumcision debate would not exist if Americans did not insist that one must be cut as a newborn.

I think Africans have the right idea: You signal that you are no longer some teenage hoodlum and ready to be regarded as a responsible adult by accepting circumcision – which also permanently carves the sign of your new status in your flesh.

Of course it would be interesting if one had to prove his circumcision status just to buy beer.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Can’t Believe Your Own Eyes

A common anti-circumcision tactic is to post the picture of a healthy uncircumcised penis next to a leathery ‘keratinized’ circumcised penis as evidence that circumcision destroys the glans.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

His Body His Choice

While I am all for voluntary circumcision, when intactivists talk about informed consent they just mean to restrict the individual’s rights to choose to be circumcised.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Whose Consent?

I am not sure that I understand the law correctly. But it seems that in the US until you turn 18 it is up to your parents to decide if you should be circumcised.

Monday, April 3, 2017

The Third World: Bedford (UK)

Apparently a young man has been waiting for a circumcision for over two years and he still can't even get an appointment, or have sex, or pee without pain: