Saturday, October 2, 2021

Do not try this at home: DIY Circumcisions with a Circumcision Stapler

 Recently several stories have surfaced on social media complete with videos of young men circumcising themselves with a circumcision stapler.

Video 1

Video 2 (Description)

While they appear to be successful producing good results I still would not recommend it.

First of all you probably need to be braver than you think you are and even then a lot of things can go wrong.

On one of the videos the device does not cut the skin all the way through and the guy is forced to clip it with what appears to be an ordinary pair of scissors (not a surgical instrument). It is a good thing that he seems to have nerves of steel and does not panic.

But this is really part of the danger, while the device is really nearly "foolproof" it can and sometimes does malfunction and then you don't have the facilities of a hospital for back up and and personnel to fix things.

Also if whatever numbing agent you are using does not work and/or you freak out in the middle you can end up in an ER with a half severed foreskin.....

So no, please DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!

It is sad that both guys in these videos mentioned cost as a factor why they did it themselves. Really, professional  circumcision should be available to anyone at an affordable price. While I do respect them for their bravery and determination really there should be a better option than cutting your own dick.

Afterthoughts (27/December/2021)

It seems this is more common than I thought, I have found at least two other guys who did it.

One is only documented in pictures.

The other one used to have a video, but it has disappeared.

1 comment:

  1. I have just seen a story on social media that one of the malfunctions I have always assumed was possible has actually happened to someone who tried to use a stapler on himself.
    The device ended up cutting off his foreskin but failed to deploy the staples and failed to achieve proper hemostasis.
    After some serious bleeding from the severed frenular artery he ended up in an ER where the wound was sutured professionally.
