Some debate if the frenulum should be cut even during circumcision. But a tight frenulum can be an accident waiting to happen.
If it gets torn during sex the bleeding can be frightening, and the pain intense. Improperly healed tears in the frenulum can cause scarring and loss of elasticity which can lead to further tearing, eventually leaving a mess of scar tissue and loss of sensitivity.
To prevent that a tight frenulum should be snipped even if circumcision is not performed.
This animated video on YouTube shows how it is done:
The exact same operation performed on a live patient:

These videos show uncircumcised penises, but the frenulum can be cut the same way on a circumcised patient or during circumcision.
Note: Some very low circumcision styles come with a more extensive frenulum removal, but anything higher requires the frenulum to be snipped on purpose unless one wants to keep it.