Thursday, February 14, 2019

About Fool-Proof Chinese Contraptions

People ask questions from time to time where to get one of these Chinese circumcision devices.
My first advice is: Don’t!
Unless you are a medical professional you should never try to use it on yourself or others.
First of all it requires a ton of anesthetics otherwise the cut is painful (it crushes, cuts and staples all at once). Anesthetics are supposed to be administered by doctors.
People who mistakenly think they are so tough and try to circumcise themselves often end up in an ER with a half cut foreskin bleeding all over the place.
There are other things that can go wrong besides pain, the instructions for these devices often state that if the skin is not cut all the way through the operation has to be finished with a scalpel or scissors.
And that is assuming that the device was used properly. If it is used improperly one can end up with an ugly mess instead of a neat and even circumcision scar.
Now, if you have a cooperating doctor (has to be a real doctor) who is willing to use it on you, they can contact the manufacturer or buy smaller quantities from some Chinese website such as Alibaba.
But I repeat: Unless you are a trained medical professional, do not try to circumcise yourself or others with these contraptions. It is not as easy as it looks on video. Those are promotional videos, the operations are performed by actual doctors and probably the best looking examples are chosen for the promotion.
You just don’t know what might go wrong!
Just because they are supposed to be “fool-proof” it does not mean that actual fools should use them.

Note: This post was originally published on Tumblr.

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