Why do so called intactivists who were circumcised at birth (thus have no memories of ever having a foreskin) love to perpetuate the idea that having a foreskin is somehow “awesome”?
Describing clitoridectomy and infibulation as “female circumcision” is kind of like describing a beheading as “He has accidentally cut himself shaving.”
Even though circumcision was probably invented as a means to mark the transition to adulthood, and pain was an integral part of the experience, it was never meant to be torture.
Apparently in China anyone can just buy a circumcision stapler on the Internet.
And "it is much cheaper than having the procedure done in a hospital" -- Ouch!
Just because you can buy the tools on-line it does not mean you should use them on yourself or your family members.
Very interesting story about an Indian man finally getting a circumcision at the age of 29 after suffering for over a decade from paraphimosis: The Fallen Foreskin