Quite possible the most horrific circumcision story ever is that of the man known as David Reimer.
He was circumcised for medical reasons when he was about 8 month old.
Because the moron who performed the operation had no idea how to do it his penis was burned off during a routine circumcision.
To add insult to injury a doctor actually named Money decided to experiment on him to prove his theories that gender identity is due to nurture, not nature. He was subjected to sex change surgery and his parents were instructed to raise him as a girl while his twin brother served as control in the experiment.
The Story Of David Reimer: A Medical Experiment Gone Wrong
David Reimer – Possibly the most unethical study in psychological history
David Reimer, 38; After Botched Surgery, He Was Raised as a Girl in Gender Experiment
The Wikipedia article on David Reimer
This has worked few a few years while he was still very little, but then he started to feel male, and he was eventually told at the age of 14 what has been done to him. He decided to live as a man afterwards. Even had surgery to restore his penis -- i.e. had a second sex change to become male again, but eventually committed suicide at the age of 38.
So if you ever wondered what is the worst case scenario if a circumcision goes wrong probably this is it.