Really, with a soldering gun? Ouch!
Even proper thermal cautery tools must hurt like hell without adequate anesthesia, but a soldering gun?
And why? Wasn't a medical circumcision in an actual hospital an option?
He performed the circumcisions at the request of the boys’ guardians with a non-medical soldering gun.
The man himself has, however, insisted that he’d had a medical education in Syria and thus is authorised to perform circumcision. Doctors who treated the children after the excruciating procedures, however, emphasised their disbelief that these could have been carried out by a real surgeon. Medical journals describe, among other things, how a couple of the boys were in so much pain after the botched circumcision that they had difficulty walking.
Despite not having a medial license in Sweden, the man insisted that he had received nine months of medical training in Syria and that was therefore authorised to perform the surgery.
That means he wasn't actually a doctor, more like a first year med student. It isn't clear what reasons the parents had to let him operate on their sons, probably the local anti-circumcision climate has contributed to them being more comfortable dealing with an unlicensed and untrained fake doctor from their own community than seeking help in a hospital.
This is why circumcision should be available in properly equipped hospitals, for free, no questions asked.
In all fairness, in poor countries sometimes a soldering gun is used as a thermal cautery device. It is even mentioned in medical literature. Still, such tools are not meant to be used to perform surgery. Also, thermal cautery should only be used with proper anesthesia. Just imagine how much it must hurt to have your foreskin burned off.