Is some of the claims on the Internet were true......
This is intended to be an exaggerated cartoonish version version of some anti-circumcision claims posted all over the Internet. In case you haven't noticed it is a post for April fool's day
-- Circumcisions are typically performed with a rusty chain saw even in hospitals.
-- Circumcision causes unbearable pain even in an anesthetized patient that renders the patient permanently insane (if you think your circumcision did not hurt, or you don't remember it, and don't care, you are in denial -- and you are insane anyway so your opinion does not count).
-- The area of skin removed during an average circumcision is roughly the size of two American football fields.
-- There are hundreds of billions of nerve endings in the foreskin but in the glans has almost none.
-- Male circumcision is the same thing as having a woman's clitoris cut off.
-- Circumcision is a major surgery -- some people cannot walk for a year afterwards (OK, this may be true).
-- A circumcised penis is completely numb.
-- A circumcised penis is so sensitive that one can no longer tolerate the touch of the underwear (this may seem to contradict the previous point, but if you think that you are just plain ignorant).
-- Having a circumcision is a crippling mutilation like having both of your legs amputated. If you have phimosis, BXO, or any other condition that requires a circumcision just suck it up and live with it.
-- All mammals have long foreskins with a an overhang that completely covers the glans during intercourse because evolution knows best.
-- Rotting smegma smell is natural, you are not even supposed to wash it off with soap, and don't even think about getting a circumcision.
-- Circumcised men cannot masturbate (if you think you can you are in denial).
-- Circumcised men cannot have sex (if you think you can you are in denial).
-- Women cannot have sex with circumcised men (if you think you can you are in denial).
-- In general if you don't think your circumcision has ruined your sex life you are in denial.
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