Friday, February 2, 2018

My problem with the proposed circumcision ban

The Vikings are at it again:
Ban circumcision for boys under-18s, says Intact Denmark
Iceland MPs propose ban on circumcision of boys

While one can make a good argument that a newborn is incapable of giving consent or having a religious belief -- something I do not even wish to touch with a 20 foot pole -- an older, but still minor person can certainly have an opinion on the subject and make decisions about his own body.

These people must realize that requiring some arbitrary age limits like 18 is also a limitation on the individual's rights to make choices about his own body.

Danish society allows teenagers to have sex, or even have children of their own which implies that society considers them competent enough to care for another human being. Yet, according these proposals they are incompetent to make decisions about their own bodies.

Why do Danish and Icelandic politicians obsess about what their fellow citizens do with their penises or their children's penises?